Enseigner la danse jazz (Teaching Jazz Dance)

Publisher's Description (from French translation): 

This book is the result of a reflection project led by jazz dance professionals (teachers and creative artists) with the CND. An essential tool for teachers and practitioners in this discipline, it addresses with simplicity and precision the various facets. It sets objectives and technical skills to achieve during a student’s training. With a lot of concrete examples, it also offers pedagogical paths to enrich each teacher’s process. Documentary resources (glossary, filmography, bibliography) enrich this collection which reveals a brief history of jazz dance. Far from "turnkey" pedagogy, this book proposes pedagogical lines of inquiry to nourish debates and exchanges of ideas around one of the disciplines most taught in France.


Author: Odile Cougoule with Daniel Housset and Patricia Karagozian
Publisher: Centre National de la Danse
Latest Edition: 2018
In Print